Wrestling purists will scoff at the action. Undertaker does some soul-tossing thing.Įven with its flaws, the game is a decent play.

There are far more strikes than grappling moves and the game includes supernatural moves.ĭoink's hand enlarges and shocks his opponents. Most complaints stem from the stripped down wrestling that the game is built on. The wrestlers benefit from similar graphic technology that made Mortal Kombat's fighters look so real.

WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade features the most realistic-looking characters of the SNES options and one of the most unrealistic gameplay experiences. Wouldn't have just about anybody made a better addition? Fans might have settled for Jeff Jarrett or Mabel rather than Doink. Acclaim's decision to so severely limit the roster is compounded by making Doink one of the six men included. Your choices are Bret Hart, Undertaker, Lex Luger, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels and Doink the Clown. Take Mortal Kombat, remove all the bloodshed and gore, replace guys like Raiden and Sub-Zero with WWE wrestlers and you basically have the blueprint for WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade.Ĭonsidering WWE games today have rosters of more than 100 wrestlers, it's unfathomable to think that this game had only six superstars to choose from. Trying to perform those moves feel impossible at times, delivering a Sisyphean gaming experience. The controls are confusing and seemed to be designed to irritate.Īside from the finisher, the wrestling moves are exactly the same regardless if you choose Brian Pillman or Vader. Unfortunately, it's the game's best feature. The 3/4 overhead view of the ring is a unique touch. While a player tries to decide which wrestler to choose, guys like Ron Simmons shout out randomly and quiver uncontrollably.

The game opens with a quick trip to the WCW control room and a snazzy intro before heading to the oddness that is the character selection screen. Scott Steiner's head looks like something a Mayan potter would have made. The graphics make gamers' favorite WCW wrestlers unrecognizable.Įveryone from Rick Rude to Sting, Ric Flair to Barry Windham have unnaturally elongated limbs and what look to be melted faces. It's not that the WCW's NES contribution was all that good it's that its successor was a load of junk. WCW: World Championship Wrestling on NES puts WCW: Super Brawl Wrestling to shame.