When the new owner starts up the Mac, they can use their own information to complete setup. If you need to know the build number as well, click the version number to see it. The window that opens might look different from the example shown here, but it always includes the macOS name followed by its version number. If you're selling, trading in, or giving away your Mac, press Command-Q to quit the setup assistant without completing setup, then click Shut Down. From the Apple menu in the upper-left corner of your screen, choose About This Mac. Your Mac might restart and show a progress bar several times, and the screen might be empty for minutes at a time.Īfter installation is complete, your Mac might restart to a setup assistant. Allow installation to complete without putting your Mac to sleep or closing its lid.If the installer offers you the choice between installing on Macintosh HD or Macintosh HD - Data, choose Macintosh HD.If the installer doesn't see your disk, or it says that it can't install on your computer or volume, you might need to erase your disk first.

If the installer asks to unlock your disk, enter the password that you use to log in to your Mac.Click Continue, then follow the onscreen instructions.Reinstalling macOS doesn't remove your personal data. It then will select the best link based on multiple factors, including trustworthiness, many downloaders and uploaders, and video file size.When you see a window with the option to reinstall macOS, your Mac has started up from Recovery. The algorithm aggregates all potential download links based on specific variations of the search query. VidMasta provides you with solid anonymity via automatic filtering of untrusty IPs, the use of proxies, and encryption, as well as its "Best Source, Deep Search" algorithm that provides you with superior video download links. The second click is to hit the play or download button.

The first click is to hit the search button. At any time, you may unenroll your device so that it no longer receives these updates. This free program was originally developed by Anthony Gray. When your device is enrolled in the Apple Beta Software Program, you will automatically receive new versions of the public beta from iOS Software Update, the Mac App Store, tvOS Software Update, Home app Software Updates or watchOS Software Update. It enables you to easily watch or download movie/television titles in any format with as few as two clicks of the mouse. Description The 28.8 version of VidMasta is provided as a free download on our software library. Rating 5. VidMasta enables full control over downloading, searching, reading about, previewing, and watching any movie or television title currently being shared online. VidMasta for Mac OS X 28.8 for Mac by ALGwares File Details Reviews Download Now Avg.